Though Neil Peart is universally acknowledged as probably the most greatest living drummers, few studies have been devoted to his writings. Yet, Peart is very much a man of his words. He writes lyrics, travelogues, short stories, essays, and books of cultural criticism. Relating to his cultural affect, he’s also one of North The usa’s greatest living men of letters. The themes he offers in his writings are timeless: philosophy, journeys, growth, exploration, excellence, art, satisfaction, happiness, religion, politics, individualism, expression, natural history, cultural criticism, life, love, loss, redemption, and beauty. Peart wants each and every person to persevere through individual trials, and find his or her unique gifts and abilities and, in the end, true happiness. Most tellingly, Peart does not just profess such things, he has lived them and continues to live them. Never satisfied with second best or any type of defeat, Peart challenges himself time and time again to live up to his own philosophy. And he has succeeded through great personal adversity and, now and then, irrational professional jealousy of and hatred toward him, and he has at all times succeeded through grace.
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